So they brought me back a Fudge-a-gator, junior. I read the box, glanced inside, still unsure, I say, "is it fudge from an alligator?" everyone cracks up. Uh-Oh.
Sure it looks like it could be a delicious confection...except it didn't have a cellophane wrapper around the box, hmmmm. Rim has my same sense of humor so this could be tricky. "Is this an alligator turd, Rim?!" More laughter.
Flashback Valentine's Day 2007. We're at dance class waiting for our kiddos when I rip out a beautifully wrapped white rose. It is lovely indeed. Me, "Rim, did you know that white roses are for friendship? They are, so I made you this white rose for Valentine's Day." I hand it over, she exclaims how pretty it is, it looks just like a real one, Jean Knee! I tell her to look closer, she does, what? Look closer Rim. Then she starts snickering. Of course the other mothers want to see, we show them the lovely rose that has been crafted out of a feminine napkin. I keep a straight face the whole time. "I made it out of a feminine napkin". The other mothers don't know what to do and I keep a blank look on. Rim says thank you and puts it in her purse.
See it's funny because while searching the Internet for ghost crafts I was led to a site with a cute little ghost crafted from a tampon. Of course I had to corrupt Rim with the hilarious site. We snickered about how there should be a condom craft site and hey, feminine napkins are totally left out!!!! Oh the outrage!!
Thus leading to the rose. Hmmmmm Remembering this I'm thinking, this might be a fudge shaped alligator or fudge from the gator. So Of course I say thank you and put it in my purse.
TO BE CONTINUED........................