Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mr.Cocka-Doodle-Doo Finds out Where Eggs Come From


Super Happy Girl said...


Anonymous said...

Mmmm. I'm confused. But I am blond. What am I missing??

Jean Knee said...

wow you're fast. He found out where eggs come from and now he's sulking--he doesn't believe me

Jean Knee said...

he's led a very sheltered life

Super Happy Girl said...

oh man Jean Knee.

Hasn't he received enough stress? First it was his frozen uncle, then that thong disaster, and now this.

Poor Mr CDD :(
It's obvious he's in denial. Let him google it himself, maybe he'll believe Teh Internets.

Lisa said...

I knew it! I knew he was sulking!!

B said...

Was he horrified? That poor cock - hasn't he been traumatized enough?

Anonymous said...

We approve!

Anonymous said...

We approve!

Bee said...

::LE SIGH!!::
I kept coming over here and no cock. Came back no cock. Then you sneak him up all of a sudden!

My mom never told me where they come from so I'm thinking they come from a planet... is it Uranus?


Bee said...

In case you're wondering why I'm still up at 11:10 pm it's cuz I fought the warden. We are currently not speaking to each other! (because he's asleep)

Brian o vretanos said...

He should be thankful he's not an ostrich.

Jean Knee said...

I never thought to "have the talk with him." I grew up having chickens and just thought things came naturally.

Millie said...

Poor little guy. But does he know where FERTILIZED eggs come from? Maybe that information will perk him up.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Time to have the birds and bees talk with him, jean knee, and explain how we all came from an egg at one point.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I carry eggs around with me everywhere I go.

My body is like an egg carton.

Very Zen thoughts going through my mind today.

Melissa said...

Poor guy... you didn't explain omelets in this whole thing, did you?

Jean Knee said...

I gave him an advil and tucked him in. He seems much better now. We'll see in the morning

Carrot Jello said...

Oh. I thought maybe eggs came out of the wall.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Is that cock still pouting around??!!?

You need to tell him to butch up a little, jean knee.

Jean Knee said...

I know I need to use tough love on him. One time he tried to hatch some eggs, things were terrible for awhile after

Bee said...

Why did the cock cross the road?

Cuxz there were chicks in bikini on the other side!

I crack myself up!! [tears of laughter rolling down my cheekies]

Bee said...

I have 8 more minutes before bed time... what can I do for 8 minutes??

Hopefully get the word verification right, this is my 3rd time trying.

Bee said...

Okay, what I did was look for the Tom Cruise video and put a link on my post.


wack job!

wynne said...

And I thought he was taking a peek out the window at a hen in the yard. What's wrong with my head?