Every town has one or two. You know, those quirky downtown characters. My favorite is the wavin' guy
He's about 65, neatly dressed with a button down shirt tucked into khakis. He has an impressive assortment of new-looking baseball caps. He walks all over downtown, all the time. Everyone knows him. Why? Because he's the wavin' guy. He waves all over downtown, all the time.
He has several different waves. The jaunty little "hey there" wave, a gentle back and forth motion. The "hey, do you see me wavin'?" wave, a back and forth wave with a half turn that follows you. And, finally, the spastic " I can't stop wavin'" wave,a jerky kind of Heil Hitler wave. This last one occurs quite often, even when no one's around.
I always wave at the wavin' guy, even if he doesn't exactly see me. That guy always makes my day. I never thought about him being recognised by anyone else until yesterday. He's always just been MY downtown wavin' guy.
Yesterday Drew and I were downtown and Drew said, "There's the waving man."
"Hmmm, you know the wavin guy?", I sputtered.
" Yeah, the guy who waves to everyone".
"The spastic one who can't stop wavin at stuff?"
"No, he waves at people. You know, the waving man".
"It must be a different one". I can't possibly share my wavin' guy.
We drive back to take a look. Yep, it's the wavin' guy all right.
Me, "He just waves, I don't think it's at anyone specifically, he has some kind of neurological thing going on."
Drew, " He looks right at you and waves."
Hmmmmmmmm......... (ever notice I go hmmm a lot?)
I look at the wavin' guy (I'm always driving when I wave to him so I don't get to pay too much attention, but, this time I'm the passenger) he looks right at me and gives me a huge double wave. I wave back.
Wow, he really was waving at me. I almost feel famous.