My daughter went to dance camp. You know what that means; One Hour to myself. One Hour to not answer questions, One Hour to not debate about who is the kinder pony: Pinkie Pie or Dream Drifter. One Hour.
The only place worthy of spending my One Hour was Barnes & Noble. I do love to read so I began scouting the place out, planning which section to conquer first when out of the corner of my eye I saw it. Satan's Lure, Starbucks Coffee. Mmm. Of course Dr. Grim forbade me to drink coffee so I move on.
Here is the new fiction, great. Know what else would be great? Coffee. I could go right in there and order me a sinful cuppa Joe right now. No witnesses. Mmmm
Oh yes I love this author. What, is that a new book? Awesome. Who would know, anyway it's not like one cup will kill me, probably. Mmm. Hot, creamy, caffeine laden coffee...... Wait, remember the last time you were in Starbucks how you needed a cypher to understand the menu? Do you want a Latte, a cappuccino, a mochaccino, a frappaccino or a cafe au lait. What size do you want a tall grande or something with a v? What additions would you like; a flavored syrup, hot cream, sprinkles... Oh yeah now I remember I ordered a medium coffee from the girlie boy clerk and was told no they had grand organic Sumatra-Peru blend to save the rain forest or a Kopelani blend with a crisp body and citrusy flavor notes. Wow, that was a horrible memory.
Better go check out the magazines. Dang, no Somerset Life. Might as well drift into Starbucks and see if I can understand the menu. Tall, grand, iced mocha libres. Uh.. What is a frappaccino?Is it coffee and milk? Coffee is so good, Juan Valdez is kinda cute. So is his donkey. I haven't visited my donkey friends for a while, will they remember me?
Focus On The Menu. Cafe au lait, isn't that a color, didn't Jean-uh paint her living room that color? Was that a creamy coffee color?
I'm doing it, I'm about to order a sinful coffee, must concentrate. Wasn't Mr. Coffee the first drip coffee maker? Bet they made a million smackaroos. Why is drip better than perked: something about anti oxidants......
"May I Take your order, please?" CRAP!! Every coffee related thought flew from my mind at once. I gaped at the clerk. Huh?? wha?.. Uhhhhhh
"Small hot chocolate please!" smooth really. I was supposed to say tall hot chocolate but the lady didn't even blink.
Sooo close. Sigh.