I voted yesterday. Surprisingly the lines were short to nonexistent, yesss. I walk right in no wait. There is one guy in front of me, I get behind him, not too closely , and Drew gets behind me. I notice they have tons of volunteers but no cookies and hot chocolate like our other voting place. Da da da da dat, hm hmm hm. An elderly lady approaches Drew, manhandles him and tells him to line up to the side or he'll get run over. There is no one behind him to run over him but he's polite so he does it. The old lady then manhandles me, putting her hands on my shoulder and pushing me. I dig in my heels and won't budge. She shoves harder, I dig in deeper. Then I'm next so it's a moot point. We vote, we leave.
We're out in the car and I ask Drew why he thinks I'm such a butt hole. Smart man says " why"?
"You know how when the old lady tried to make me move I flat out wouldn't do it. She's just an old lady. Probably a former fourth grade teacher used to moving people and lines around and she was having a good time. So why do you think I just couldn't have moved and humored her?"
Drew: "She told you do move, she didn't ask you to move. If someone tells you to do something you won't do it. If someone ASKS you to do something and it's reasonable you'll usually do it."
Me: "plus she tried to push me"
Drew: "yeah"
So that's why. All this time I never figured it out. I hope when our new President takes office he's a butt hole too.
I'm with you sister! You ask me nicely and I might be your to boss around. You demand things and I sprout spikes!
And jean knee?? Thanks for scaring the sh*t out of me!!
--yours-- to boss around
you are so welcome, Bee :)
I knew what ya meant
oh crap, my ovulation monitor is going off, excuse me
TMI jean knee, TMI!
Where do you have to stick it?
I don't really have one but I think you urinate on it.
I hope Brian comes right now so he can see what we're talking about.
Ladies! I'm trying to eat!
ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Who you callin ladies?
Yeah- um, I would be a butt hole too. Don't touch me.
I find this conversation extraordinary and full of win.
I hate it when poeple tell me what to do, not that it happens often.
Oh but someone puncturing and defiling my bubble...no, not happiness.
I know what you mean about don't touch me, mmm hmm
What a Bitch, I would have been like.
Excuse me, do not touch me.
You still ovulate?
(:-O to Dan's comment. jean knee, we are not related by blood. I promise!
I figured you were step siblings
Your title pulled me out of my Obamafunk. Thanks. :)
I'm with you completely. Not on the ovulation thing but on why I'm a jerk if someone tells me to do something instead of asking. As for the ovulation--my body never even ASKED if I wanted to ovulate. It just goes ahead and DOES it. Rude.
I can't believe the rooster didn't win...
President BHO. The BH does indeed stand for Butthole. :)
President Elect-Obama's family were not thinking ahead in regards to monogramming.
Think about it. His mom's initials (Stanley Ann Dunham) spell out SAD and his initials are BO as in Body Odor.
Yes, I ponder the important stuff. I'm on a much higher mental plane than any other initial snob that I know.
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