You know I was just driving in my car and heard Florence Henderson doing a sexually suggestive commercial on the radio. Something about celebrating hump day and , oh it's also Wednesday and she needed to discipline some naughty boys ba ba buh buh. I don't know about you but I don't want to hear all that while I'm chomping on my whopper with cheese (that's what she said). It's bad enough when I saw her on some show saying she shagged Bobby, Greg and Peter but hey not Mr. Brady because he's gay. eww eww eww. Just like with my own mother, I never want to think of her and sex in the same brain. eww
Okay I got off topic here, I really just wanted to tell two of my favorite bloggers wecome back from being gone so long they could have been dead. Welcome back Tracy. Welcome back Super Happy Girl formerly known as NCS. They came back within one day of each other. I really hope it's not a psychotic dental assisstant with a diaper fetish from Cleburn pretending to be both people, cause, that ain't right.
P.S. I recieved emails from a LilSue and a LilMarcy one day apart. Is this some new trend I don't know about? LilJeanKnee doesn't roll off the tongue very well.